Sci-Fi illustration Surreal Abstract Texture Misc
Sci-Fi picture - outpost with two moons, air vehicle and sunset sci-fi illustration - future air car, flying vehicles alien and a holographic device on a UFO spaceship Ancient Alien visitors on another planet 3D Rebel air fighters patrolling the swamps.
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Sci-Fi picture - outpost with two moons, air vehicle and sunset

Desert outpost ( see larger )

Creation year: 2007     Medium: digital     Dimensions: 7000 x 4600 px

My first Sci-Fi picture in a long time. In fact the last time I did one was back in 2003 (X2 flight). From 1999 to 2005 I've done so much Sci-Fi work for computer games that I got burned out Sci-Fi wise. I needed a break to recover. Some two years later I'm now slowly getting back on track and plan on doing more Sci-Fi images.

Working on this piece reminded me how much I enjoy doing Sci-Fi art when not pressured by deadlines and all the other necessary evils associated with working for hire. It's a totally different experience.

Anyway, I wanted to do something not too complex. So I thought of an outpost in a barren landscape with a warm, late evening atmosphere. As you can see the setting is in a dual sun system with two moons, which actually don't pick up much of the sun on the horizon - it looks better that way :) The air vehicles are on a routine patrol flying from outpost to outpost making sure everything is OK. I especially like the mood here. A sunset in a desert environment with a massive, giant structure in the middle of nowhere...

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Vlad from Russia wrote:October 22, 2011

It's Amazing!!!!!!

simon from uk wrote:March 19, 2011

this is my most favourite picture on the internet, will have to buy when i've got the money :)

Trey Kincaid from New Zealand wrote:February 15, 2009

This gives me an idea for a possible concept for a game like Command And Conquer and yes as Zack Graham suggested, Starcraft. Amazing pic. Keep it up

hosea from spain wrote:January 30, 2008

this is awesome

Zack Graham from America wrote:October 1, 2007

Wow alot of your art is really good.. You get any insparation from StarCraft?

Message me back some time

MSN- optimus_prime-@hotmail.com

David Ryan from Ireland wrote:July 27, 2007

This image is very powerfull, yet peacefull in a way. I imagine... 'peacekeepers'.

Chelox from Chile, South America wrote:July 7, 2007

if you dont believe it but that scene will our future. Nice ..

Steven Bennett from USA wrote:June 23, 2007

A true artist, very talented with an awsome imagination.

Owen from U.K wrote:May 19, 2007

Ive taken time to look at your sci fi and fantasy artwork and they are truly spectacular. Id be interested to know what has inspired you to do this kind of artwork.

The mood and colors are what make the planets you create truly wonderful.

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